Become a potential stem cell donor – and you can save someone’s life.
I’d like share with you my idea to help other persons witch cancer of the blood. The way is very simple you can sign up to some foundation who support person with this disease and be potencial stem cell donor.
Register like potencial stem cell donor.
In Poland we have fundation called DKMS and registration is very simply. You need go to DKMS webpage and supplement simple form where you put you basic data and you contact data. Fundation DKMS send you package to perform a swab and after this you send package with swab to foudation. The fundation after test your sample and register you as a database potencial stem cell donor – they send you information about successful register you and send you potencial stem cell donor card with you number.
I made this proces successfull and maybe some day I can help somone who will be needed my stem cells.
If you like help other I recomend you to register in your fundation or this fundation.
Blood, blood more blood 🙂
This is not only one way to help other (in medicine) – you can always donnate blood like I doing. I had some break in this because I had some health problems prohibiting blood donation but I think I will back to this topic in next year and I start from the events that I started created few year ago and now is regular event in schedule of a bigger event that day (WOŚP – Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity) – created by amazing people.
Motivational movie found on youtube, why good to help other: