Crown of Polish Mountains / Korona Gór Polskich

This year I found a good option to motivate myself to hike more in the Polish mountains. I joined to conquerors club Crown of Poland Mountains.

How to join to Crown of the Polish Mountains club?

To become the Conqueror of the Crown of Polish Mountains you need conqueror all Polish mountains peak and documentary this, in your official club books.

To join this club you need to go to this page: Crown of Polish Mountains and send a request to join the club. Next, you need to pay club fee 25,00 PLN, 5,00 PLN for book and shipping cost 12.00 PLN (this is cost inside Poland).

*This pice can be always changed so change fresh data in the official page

Book of the Polish Mountains Crown
Book of the Polish Mountains Crown

A list of mountain peaks to be conquered under the Crown of Polish Mountains

IDMountain rangeThe name of the mountain peakHeight
1Góry ŚwiętokrzyskieŁYSICA612
2Masyw Ślęży (Przedgórze Sudeckie)ŚLĘŻA718
3Góry KaczawskieSKOPIEC724
4Góry BardzkieKŁODZKA GÓRA765
5Góry WałbrzyskieCHEŁMIEC869
6Góry OpawskieBISKUPIA KOPA889
7Beskid MakowskiLUBOMIR912
9Beskid MałyCZUPEL934
10Góry KamienneWALIGÓRA936
11Rudawy JanowickieSKALNIK945
12Góry BystrzyckieJAGODNA977
13Góry ZłoteKOWADŁO989
14Beskid NiskiLACKOWA997
15Góry SowieWIELKA SOWA1015
17Góry OrlickieORLICA1084
18Góry BialskieRUDAWIEC1112
19Góry IzerskieWYSOKA KOPA1126
20Beskid WyspowyMOGIELICA1170
21Beskid ŚląskiSKRZYCZNE1257
22Beskid SądeckiRADZIEJOWA1262
25Masyw ŚnieżnikaŚNIEŻNIK1425
27Beskid ŻywieckiBABIA GÓRA1725

*I typed original Polish name

How are the peaks confirmed?

To confirm getting mountains peak you need to make yourself photo on the peak and paste to your club book on a specific page and the seal of the shelter, facility, company based there (in the absence of one – the seal from the town nearest to the peak).

I will make documentation of my journey, how I get Crown Polish Mountains. So you can find more information in the next posts connected to this topic.

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