Puno is city next to amazing lake Titicaca and this lake is on border Peru and Bolivia. This day we will sightseeing this amazing lake and floating islands Uros.
📽 Timeline
- 00:00 Intro
- 01:09 Entrance to the islands of Uros – floating islands
- 01:42 Entrance to the floating island
- 03:25 How Uros floating island is build?
- 04:00 Concert at Uros island!
- 04:24 Home tour at island Uros
- 05:20 Sightseeing Uros islands by boat
- 05:48 We sail to the island of Taquile and we hike summit
- 07:07 Concert at summit Taquile island
- 08:17 Sightseeing Taquile island
- 09:07 Outro