The plan was to make 1 day trek in the Stone and Wałbrzyskie mountains. This plan assumed achieved 1 peaks from Crowns of Polish Mountains.
One mountain pick was located in mountain range Wałbrzyskie Mountains – Borowa Mountain (853 m above sea level). Second pick what we planned see was in Stone Mountains range – Waligóra (936m above sea level).
This will be my 5/28 peaks from Crown of Polish Mountains.
What route did we choose?
We chose to the route start and end in the same place. This place was small village: Rybnica Leśna.
From this place we start hike towards Borowa mountain. On this place is observation tower from which you can see the entire area.

Next on our plan after Borowa mountain was Castle Rogowiec situated in mountains from where we hike to shelters Andrzejówka where we made small break for a hot lunch.

After our good lunch we start climb to the top of the mountain – Waligóra. Roud was not easy because shelters Anrzejówka is on 796m above see level and mountain peak Waligóra is on 936m above see level (distans was only 0,5km).

This trip was very successful, althrought in the second half of day the fog covered all the beautiful views 🙂